
All Course Lectures

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CTS 3348 Lectures Page


Lectures that are useful for the materials in this course will be posted on this page. In addition to lectures produced for this class, this page also include lectures from other courses.


I strongly suggest you download these files to your computer, that way you can view the video on your host system and have access to it at any time (even when you are offline).  Also, run the video in your host system (Windows, whatever) and have your VM open while I work through the video. Pause the video when I run the command, duplicate the command.  Does it work? Great! You're doing it correctly.  Doesn't work? You're doing it wrong!  That's the only way to learn Linux, by DOING!  Now have fun!


Module 1

Syllabus contents and class details to CTS3348.  These are the gritty details of the course.  Please make sure to read the syllabus thoroughly and follow along with this lecture.


Length: 26 Minutes


Introduction to CTS3348


Downloading VMWare and Mint. Ok, most of you will look at this video and think 'huh?'  Only a small fraction of students need to be walked through how to download these tools, but it's here anyway, just in case. 


Length: 8 Minutes


Downloading VMWare and Mint


How to create a virtual machine and install Linux Mint within the 'VM.'  This lecture explains how to install and use VMWare on your host machine. What a COOL thing it is to be able to run multiple operating systems, even multiple NETWORKS on your desktop!


Length: 30 Minutes


Installing Linux Mint in VMWare and Virtual Box


Overview of Linux, UNIX system architecture, the graphical interface, the terminal (shell), command prompt, ~, current and parent directories,  changing directories, your home directory, man (help) pages, listing directories, repeating command.  This is the introductory lecture where I teach you to 'walk around' Linux, and how to get help in case you get lost (kind of like a GPS, ok, not really).

Length: 30 Minutes


Overview of Linux/UNIX Systems

Module 2  

Paths, pwd, clearing the screen,  pipe, less, long directory listings, auto-complete, case sensitivity.  This lecture offers more important information allowing you to 'chain commands' together, how to work more efficiently by hitting the 'tab' button to complete file names and commands, and understanding that THIS is a different command than This which is a different command than ThiS (that is, Linux is case sensitive).


Length: 13 Minutes

  Paths, pwd, clearing the screen, pipe

Create directories, apropos (command help), making directories, delete directories, creating files with touch, wildcards (*), nano editor, cat, delete files.  More good information on how to create and remove directories ('folders' to you Windows and Mac folks), and how to create and delete files.  


Length: 32 Minutes

  Creating directories and files

Updating your system, running commands as root, file and directory ownership, moving, copying, renaming files. Very important topics such as how update your system, much easier than Windows in my opinion, how to run commands as 'root' which is like the administrator account under Windows, and how copy and move files.  


Length: 25 Minutes

  Updating, running commands as root, ownership

How to do your homework the - Think my way (tm).  If you can get down my problem solving strategy, you should have no problem doing any of the homeworks!


Length: 20 Minutes

  How to do your homework

Assignment Setup

Assignment 1
Module 3   

 Finding files by matching metadata criteria using find.  So I want to find a file that is about 50k in size, is owned by user 'philip', and was created yesterday. How would you do that in Windows? Good luck!  Here I'll demonstrate how to do just that using the 'find' command.  VERY powerful stuff.


Length: 40 Minutes

  Finding files

File, tail, head, ntpdate, sort, redirection operators (<,>,>>).  Miscellaneous commands that are important, for example, did you know that just because a file has a '.doc' extension, that it's not necessarily a MS Word file?  True stuff!  I'll show you how to use the 'file' command to determine a file's true type, how update your system clock and sync with an atomic clock server, and how to chain more commands together to create new files.


Length: 32 Minutes
  File information and manipulation

Finding files by their contents using grep, and the time command.  So I know that I have a file on my system that has the words 'flibberty gibbit' in it. Where is it? Ok, this is pretty simple to do under Windows and the Mac, and Linux gives you the capability of doing the same using the 'grep' command.


Length: 30 Minutes

  Finding files by content
Module 4   

Archiving and compressing files using bzip2, gzip, zip, bunzip2, gunzip, unzip, and tar.  You all know what a zip file is, right? Well under Linux there may be all sorts of types of files that are compressed, and it's good to know how to compress large files to save space, and how to uncompress them.


Length: 30 Minutes

  Archiving and compressing files
    Assignment 2  
Module 5 

SSH (Secure SHell) and networking. Adding, modifying, and deleting users and groups.  Did you know that certain network protocols can send authentication information (username/password) in the clear (that is, just like what you are reading now). Hacker's delight!  Here I'll demonstrate the SSH protocol, which uses public/private key encryption (government standard stuff) so that you can transmit, connect, share files, etc., without fear of someone else reading the network packets.


Length: 19 Minutes

  SSH and user accounts

Managing users, file ownership, and file permissions. This is crucial to security in IT.  Who owns a file as well as permission related to a file determine what a user can do to it.  Do you really want EVERY user to be able to read, change/modify, and delete a file?  Heck no!  This video will show you how to manager users and permissions so that only certain users have limited permissions necessary to do their job.


Lengths: 29 & 23 Minutes

  User and file management

How do you know how much space you have on your hard drive? You have a new hard drive, how do you partition and format it? How do you mount the drive so you can see the contents?  That's what we'll cover in this lecture, including the commands: fdisk, mount, umount, df, du, mkfs


Length: 29 Minutes

  Manipulating disks
Assignment 3
Module 6

In this lecture I show you how to create simple scripts that can automate a lot of the tasks you have to do, and how to get them to run at any time you want.  I cover: shell scripts, at, atq, atrm


Length: 21 Minutes

  Scripting and future commands
Module 7

This is lecture is somewhat of a continuation of the previous lecture where you learned to automate tasks and run that at certain times of your choosing.  Here I discuss cron jobs.


Length: 28 Minutes

  Back to the Future (Commands), Part 2
Module 8

This lecture will cover symbolic links, process management, standard input/output/error, and the system time.


Length: 27 Minutes

  Symbolic links and process management

Telnet, ftp, and other services


Length: 20 Minutes

  Installing and running services

In these lectures I introduce Ubuntu Server.  I also discuss how to install and use Secure Shell (ssh), which encrypts connections between computers.  I also discuss starting/stopping services.


Length: 44 Minutes 

  Remote connections and service management
Assignment 4
Module 9

In these lectures I discuss cryptography, including symmetric and asymmetric encryption.


Length: 30 Minutes

  Introduction to Cryptography

GNUPG (GPG) is an open source implementation of the popular PGP (Pretty Good Privacy).  Did you know that PGP was banned from export to certain countries at one time?  Here we investigate GPG and I demonstrate how to use GPG for encrypting files and message.


Length: 23 Minutes

  Using GPG to encrypt files
Assignment 5
Module 10 (There is no assignment for this modules, but will be on the final.)

Installing SAMBA, a network protocol which allows Windows and Linux to communicate


Length: 9 Minutes 

  SAMBA, it's not just for dancing anymore!

An introduction to firewalls and ufw, the uncomplicated firwall, a front end for netfilter.


Length: 46 Minutes

  Introduction to firewalls

An introduction to iptables, an administration tool for netfilter.


Length: 43 Minutes

  Introduction to iptables
Final Exam





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